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circus peanuts = good!

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10:34 p.m.

It�s been fun with my parents here. As much as they drive me crazy I think they�re fun. We took them to the Kingfish Caf� because of its excellent soul food. Had the best collard greens I�ve had since I moved to Seattle. Well, they were the only greens I�ve had since I moved to Seattle.

My mom is always dubious when we claim that certain people we see around are gay. She thinks that Jim (from Camp Jim) is just a little effeminate and that we�re being judgmental for asserting that he likes the pole. She didn�t think my obstetrician was a lesbian, oh but she was! (If you insist on a female ob/gyn, does it ruin the point of having it be a woman if she�s also a lesbian?) So today mom and I were in Starbucks and the barista was hell of butch. In an effort to educate and perhaps shock my mother I said later, "Remember the chick who took our order in Starbucks? That was a lesbian." And my mom goes, "There was no woman who took our order�that man did." Oh I laughed so hard.

This is one of my favorite ever pictures of me, David and the boy.

Greg Nyssen did the picture, go see what else he�s done.

Is anyone with me that circus peanuts are good? Nobody else I know likes them. My dad says that Satan probably force-feeds them to people in hell.

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stepha � 2006