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10:40 a.m.

Here is some actual feedback I got from an actual black gentleman, the hilarious Salah:

Black people love camping. LOVE it. Little known fact... Black people invented modern American camping, but back then it was called "escaping the plantation." Then the white people came looking for us, and all of a sudden everybody was spending the weekend in the woods, and "camping" was born. Needless to say, the white folks had a propensity for "bustin up the party," to put it lightly.

Historically speaking:
The woods at night + white people + fire = No fun for people of color.

Ever since then, if anyone asks, Black people will categorically deny any and all camping related activities. Black people even invented the world's most famous campfire song, "Kumbaya" which is Swahili for "I sure hope there aren't any white folks in these woods...."


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stepha � 2006