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2:17 p.m.

Happy birthday to one Melissa. She shares a birthday with Hitler and Columbine. Her husband Erick�s birthday is on 9/11. Way to go!

My friend was telling me about a boyfriend she had that went to jail a lot for traffic tickets. He was telling her that all the domestic violence guys there would be calling there girlfriends being like "I'm so sorry baby!" or "You know you ain�t going out tonight!" and hanging up the phone on them!

Salah wrote this:

Dear Weekend,

I'm tired of your loose ways. You come flouncing your sassy ass around these parts once a week. I always succumb to your gaudy advances. Let's sleep in. Let's get wasted...let's just enjoy each others company. Two days later you're gone, and I don't see you for another week. Where are you on Wednesday when I need you the most? Now here you are at my door again. I really should turn you away. But it's hard. So so hard. No one does it like you, weekend. I'd give up Tuesday for you, you know that, right? All I want is a commitment. Is that too much to ask? You and me together 7 days a week? I'll give it a try if you will.

Don't make a fool of me.

Yours forever,
More reasons to fear Canada.

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stepha � 2006