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you're going to see a side of dignan that you've never seen before! a sick sadistic side

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11:29 a.m.

Saw Super Size Me with Shelly. How about that alliteration! Oh, I should have added "on Saturday." Then it would be extra alliterative. But�I will never eat fast food again. Last night I made salmon and not-from-a-can green beans and apple slices for dessert. That movie was scary. Speaking of scary. Driving ahead of me on the way was an �87 Toyota Tercel filled with beefy men who all had their arms hanging out the window like gorillas and each arm had a sleeve of tattoos on it. They had a bumper sticker that said "Vaginas Are Way Cool." Lord, please don�t let my son grow up to be like that.

J.K. was saying that the newspapers sure had a lot of information on Reagan that didn�t look like it was slapped together since the news of his death. They must have had it ready to go. Who else do they have ready to go? Everybody?

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stepha � 2006