
Heather - 2006-12-08 00:44:08
Heather has two mommies! :)
J. Henry - 2006-12-09 22:44:05
I enjoy your expression of support for the Cheney daughter baby and that I have to leave a comment with the most homophobic radio buttons ever: as in, "you are gay" to send this forward. Always keeping us guessing, that's what I love about gayphanie.
Marissa - 2006-12-18 10:53:38
If you get a response from them I'd love to hear about it (although love might not be the right word. It's more like curiosity mixed with foreboding). Something tells me that FOF doles out form letters like nobody's business but, who knows, you might get a personal letter from The Dobs, himself.

Please make a comment. Theme park experience is preferred.

Your gay name:
Your gay email:
Your gay url:

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