
Amber - 2006-07-12 15:31:21
Aww great pictures! :)
HB - 2006-07-15 00:10:19
I wanna go to target with you!
C. Blystone - 2006-07-18 01:01:02
Ha ha ha! The shat in the Target story made me lol. Adorable pics! Are you guys coming to Portland soon? I actually live there now and stuff. Nattie and Judah would get along great :)
Michelle Auer - 2006-07-19 20:01:10
OMG! I laugh so loud at work just now when I read how Jude intorduces himself! My girl is the queen of the sarcastic, deadpan, one liners. It makes you proud and a little red around the ears all at the same time. :-) The Amelie hair is too cute!

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