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� �� new
������ host ���grace
kill some time kill more
and more still

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8:50 a.m.

This morning I was at my bus stop downtown and it happens to be right in front of the King County Jail. Business peoples are always walking really fast past the unfortunates fresh out of the clink, such a curious mix of people there. A guy wearing a hoodie and hammerpants ran out of the building and flipped it off with both hands and yelled FUCK YOUUUUU I�M FREE and a lady on her phone wearing crocodile slingbacks and a shitload of Cartier hesitated, then moved around him in a wide arc. He crossed the street and paid someone a dollar for a cigarette and then skipped into city hall. My bus came and I didn't have my pass so I told the driver I forgot it and he licked his chops and said �I s�pose you can git on little lady.� Signal to move to the way back of the bus with the twitchy withdrawing crowd. A lady sitting across from me was holding an adorable baby girl, probably two years old. A guy without teeth said �You wanna sit here miss?� and patted the seat next to him and I told him I�d just stay there and look at the cute baby. The little girl was sitting there so well and after about five minutes she squirmed and told her mom she wanted to get down and the mom said to her in the meanest tone �You sit still like you supposed to!� It hurt my heart to watch that. YOU try being not even two years old and being able to sit still for more than five seconds. That little girl was being so good and even if she wasn't, she doesn't deserve to be talked to that way. The mom is giving that little girl a message that she deserves to be spoken to that way and that little girl is going to be the victim of a lot of shit in life because she doesn�t believe she�s worth anything more and it breaks my heart.

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stepha � 2006