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11:24 a.m.

So there is this website I like called Well, actually I love this site and I want to marry it. It is not hip, but it is all about keeping your house from turning into a laundry-and-Lego-strewn hellhole, so this site is my friend. It has funny things though, like a Nourishing Your Spirit section where people tell their ideas for feeding their spirits and it�s always stuff like "I vacuum the minivan, defuzz my tech fleece vest, and make sure I have enough jaw clips and scrunchies to last the week." I wanted David to make up a Nourishing My Spirit story and send it in so here is what he wrote. I wonder if they�ll publish it?

In my busy week filled to the all-important brim with laundry, hustling the kids from school to soccer to Jenny Craig, and cleaning my jewels, I often forget about myself and my needs. I need to stop drop and get in touch with my body. Wednesday is Vagina Dialogue day. I talk to my vagina all day long and encourage it to tell me how it feels. Sometimes we argue and cause a stink (like the time we interrupted soccer practice). Sometimes I want to give it the finger and shove it down a flight of cement steps. But we talk it out. We also play practical jokes on each other, go on long hand-holding walks and have learned to be comfortable with embracing in public.
You know what I love? One Sentence Movie Reviews. "Movie of the year! (Pick a year before the invention of movies.)" Hey, that was two sentences!

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stepha � 2006