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1:55 p.m.

I�m at the office. Rainy and autumnal outside. I work from home on Fridays but I�d actually rather be here than there if I�m going to have to be bored. All morning I�ve been F5ing the admin assistant�s candy dish to see if a mini Snickers will appear (they sometimes do). That doesn�t happen at home.

I just love when Adam Carolla goes on a rant. Here�s an interesting one he just did on profiling:

�The pussies at the ACLU are suing Logan Airport because there�s profiling. They�re always going to be complaining about something, they�re lefty pussies that are angry at their gay parents. Let�s not cave into their retarded pussy pressure. When they accuse the airports of profiling, everyone gets defensive and says �Oh no, we weren�t profiling.� YEAH, WE WERE PROFILING, TO KEEP YOUR GAY ASS FROM BLOWING UP THE NEXT TIME IT�S ON A PLANE! So shut your piehole and get back to hating your gay dad who molested you in the basement! Take the rage that�s meant for your parents and direct it at your parents instead of at society. Let us do our job and you go do your job, go feng shui apartments in west LA. Go get in your goddamned hybrids and take a Me Day. Let us handle the profiling, and YES IT�S PROFILING! The FBI uses profiling to find abducted children! It�s not all bad!�
Carrie made me a cheat sheet of all her friends that I haven�t met (and a lot I have) because I can never remember who is who and she gets mad when she's telling a story and I'm thinking it's about Rachel when it's about Renee. The cheat sheet is fantastically entertaining and I think everyone should make one. I made her write one about me and here it is, I�m sure she left out the bad things she thinks about me.
STEPHANIE--delightfully off-color sense of humor, astounding memory for TV catchphrases, delighted by gossip, likes big white bags. Can strike up a conversation with anyone. Southern and cooks delicious Southern staples. Falls asleep unexpectedly sometimes.
And she gave me a bus anecdote too, I love her stories from the bus.
Today on the bus I saw a girl with seven toes total. Her feet were all mangled up and she didn't care who saw because she was wearing Tevas. She had lots of purple scars all over them too. Looked like a farm machinery accident to me.

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stepha � 2006