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� �� new
������ host ���grace
kill some time kill more
and more still

��� nextitude

11:26 p.m.

Are you as fascinated as I am by this John Mark Karr development in the JonBenet case? Not the least of which is the way he dresses. I am riveted by his Verbal Kent from the Usual Suspects affect, and how high he pulls up his pleated kahkis and that bobble head of his. I am riveted!

Gavin is coming to visit this weekend! (It�s Gavin from Boston and not Gavin our 6 year old neighbor of whom we are wary due to his penchant for showing people his wiener and trying to get others with wieners to do the same.) Boston Gavin is staying with Lara and here are the rules she laid out for him

i just wanted to run by some of my house rules:

-no talking on my phone.
-no talking on your phone.
-quiet time is between 8pm and 10am.
-you are not allowed to come and go as you please - if you plan on going somewhere you need to consult with me first and be sure to be on time when coming home.
-you are not allowed to have any guests over - especially when i am not home.
-you will need to bring your own towels, sheets, dishes and food
-you will be expected to use inside voices at all times.
-you will not be allowed to touch anything - eXpecially the newly painted walls.
-you will be expected to clean up all messes, even messes created before arriving.
-you will not be allowed to watch television or listen to the stereo, that also goes for your ipod. no electronic devices may be used while visiting.

i have this document in electronic and hard versions that you will be expected to sign in the presence of a witness - before entering the premises.
Lara. Cracks. Me. Up.

You know what word is super annoying? Houseguests. If you really enunciate it you�ll hate yourself afterward.

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stepha � 2006