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on a planet named for
the roman god of war

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11:56 a.m.

Calvin the security guard just came by to talk, he loves to talk about the forecast and how he�ll only cut his grass when it�s dry. He says his r�s like w�s and it�s fantastic. My screensaver came up while I was talking to him and it had pictures of my kids scrolling across and suddenly this one came up

and Calvin said �Hey, did you take that picture?�

I wanna read this book cause I just saw the Sex and the City episode about it.

Who else hates when Carrie does her coy squeal?

I was doing some internet stalking and saw that David�s ex-girlfriend wrote a book called �Happiness is a Choice for Teens.� I think I�m going to name a drink after that.

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stepha � 2006