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married parents

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1:25 p.m.

Oh, I'm fucking freaking out. Our car is really sick. It's a Honda Accord, it's not supposed to get sick! Lately it's been dying while we're driving it. You'll look down and realize hey, my car is off. So we spent $400 yesterday to get it fixed and then it died twice on the way home from the shop. So it's back in the shop and we have no way to get places and we have two kids and I'm fuh fuh fuh freaking out. I just looked at the bus schedule to get downtown and the fastest way will take 1 hour and 45 minutes while is a bit painful when you're spoiled and used to driving there yourself in 15 minutes.

And husband needs a job, and our electricity has been out in all but two rooms in our house for a week now.

Freaking out!

Thank God the pregnancy test was negative.

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stepha � 2006