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remains of the day lunchbox

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8:21 p.m.

Shane is so entertaining. Last night he had lots of snarky things to say. I called him during the Golden Globes. "You are NOT calling me during the Golden Globes." I confirmed I was, and he said "Can you believe Rachel Wiesz? Is she pregnant or something? Bitch looks like she got hit with the coutour brush." Then: "Oh no. Randy Quaid looks like he�s been carved entirely out of Kentucky Fried Chicken." I said I heard that Camryn Manheim made up her name and went said "Why would she pick that? Even that name sounds fat. Speaking of contour brush. Is Mariah on steroids?" Then Richard, Shane's foster child, must have appeared in the living room cause Shane said "I KNOW YOU DID NOT JUST GET OUT OF BED." I like Carrie�s observation that Mariah looks like she�s made out of balloons.

David saw our new neighbor today. She moved in with Jaime, our Christian Singles Group-esque neighbor, and reported that "Jaime�s new roommate looks like Jaimie. When you look at them you think CHRISTIAN CLEAVAGE. You know, khakis and a burgundy blouse."

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stepha � 2006