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������ host ���grace
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and more still

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10:07 p.m.

I took the boy to get a haircut at a place across the street that has salon apparatus inside the house and the family apparently lives there. The boy was so cute and brave with the cape around his neck and the Korean lady kept saying "Hold your head still! What a handsome boy." The sign with the prices said KIND & EXCELLENCE HAIR at the top. When she was done the boy hopped down off the chair and said "Mommy, I got haircut!"

I had no idea what these words were until now.

I keep hearing people say that reality TV is the worst and a sure sign of the degenerating American mind but what about 60 Minutes and Dateline and the local news? That�s reality tv and those shows were considered evolved programming back before the Real World and the like. There�s the issue of how contrived "reality" shows are but I think that basically people like to watch people and how they react, and I think that�s more intellectual than watching a scripted sitcom like Who's The Boss.

I have realized that Green Eggs and Ham is ridiculously repetitive and isn�t that fun to read out loud when you�re falling down tired yourself. I abbreviated a lot and the boy didn�t seem to notice. It does have a nice happy ending.

Carrie said that Tommy Hilfiger looks like the Grinch; she�s so right.

Look what Michele found - Tom tomtom tom.

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stepha � 2006