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you just keep on pushing my love over the borderline

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11:12 a.m.

My parents freaking went off the deep end last night. I called my mom yesterday morning to say happy mother�s day and she didn�t answer so I had The Boy talk on her answering machine. I sent her a card and a family portrait last week too. I called last night to try to talk to her, my dad answered, and I heard her in the background saying �None of my damn kids called to tell me Happy Mother�s Day!� She refused to talk to me but was happy to tell my dad what to tell me. Boy she was freaking out. They were mad at me for not sending flowers. I told them to just send me the bill next time or let me know what kind and how many to send. They said �This may come as news to you but the whole world doesn�t revolve around Stephanie!� They told me I was raised better than that (by example? hmm), much more was said and they ended up hanging up on me. Good times. I am learning about this borderline disorder and how I shouldn�t take it personally, but it sure is hard not to. I�m getting better though. I�m seeing my therapist this afternoon. MMM THERAPY. Like a warm bath or electric blanket or burning of hot coffee down your esophagus, so is unloading on someone that you�re paying to be your friend.

I was watching E! the other night and they interrupted the show like ninety times CNN-Breaking-News-style to say that Jennifer Garner is pregnant but what I want to know more about is Katie Holmes�s mouth herpes.

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stepha � 2006