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11:48 a.m.

When I got up today I wrassled the kids for awhile and then started sorting stuff to get ready for our move. We close on Wednesday and David�s working a lot and I�m working a lot plus overtime this weekend and we have kids and we have moving and one of my dear friends told me last night that she�s losing her faith so all of these things are weighing on me. My mom left yesterday and I was sort of picking fights with her before she left because I was pissed off that she could see how busy I am but she was just sitting filing her nails, but I�m sad she�s gone so there are a lot of conflicting emotions there and I feel like I�m going nuts. I�m going to see my therapist on Monday and I really can�t wait, she can tell me for sure if I�m crazy. I'm working overtime this weekend and am trying to finish stuff for the house and make sure the kids get enough attention and I'm really mad right now at stay-at-home moms who don't work who talk about how hard being a mom is. My meds were supposed to arrive in the mail last week but they didn't and by now I'm feeling discombobulated. I talked to my sister-in-law April today and she reminded me it could be so much worse and she's right. I have to keep remembering that so I don't turn into a complete brat.

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stepha � 2006