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teenage suicide (don't do it)

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3:42 p.m.

Things that annoy me:

1. College girls traveling in packs wearing Seven jeans
2. Ben Gibbard's voice
3. Hilary Swank
News bits that I am intrigued by:
1. Portia de Rossi and Ellen are going out??
2. Natalie Portman had to apologize for saying "I�m not black but I know what it feels like"??
3. They found Michael Jackson�s fingerprints and a kid�s fingerprints on porno at his house??
I think a good gift for someone you don�t like would be a Stadium Gal. The shock value would be wasted on a guy, a guy would probably love getting one as a present, but can you imagine how pissed a girl might be if you gave her one? That site cracks me up. I'm so glad that they use plastic that's "clear, softer, [and especially] quiet"! Bethany said "I suppose the older, less soft urinal bags could be rather embarrassing if you were pissing like a racehorse and it made a drumming sound like a storm in a rainpipe. This wouldn't be as noticeable in a stadium as, say, at the symphony. The Opera House Bag."

This is a quote that was on our church bulletin. It makes me think of this blogging phenomenon.
"In some essential way we are all losers in Hollywood. It's hard to think of any other bond that distinguishes us as a community. In each of us there is something unfulfilled, some ache or deficiency of character, that leads us to fill a hole in our heart with the love of strangers. Like the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, we imagine that what is broken in us can somehow be fixed by an award."
-Edward Zwick (producer of Shakespeare In Love, I Am Sam, and Traffic), after winning the Oscar for Shakespeare In Love

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stepha � 2006