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� �� new
������ host ���grace
kill some time kill more
and more still

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9:19 a.m.

Look here at George W's one-fingered victory salute.

Last night while I was driving Davy to his show at Graceland I hit a tailpipe that was lying in the middle of the road and it shredded our tire. Scared the crap out of me because it sounded like it was dismantling the underbelly of our car. It was dark and the blood-red lunar eclipse moon was like a big bloody eye casting an ominous gaze, and I�m not used to car trouble of any sort so I am woefully undone when something like a flat happens, plus our little guy was in the car, plus I was actually concerned about the guys changing a tire when they were wearing all white for the show. It was hard to find a flat space to park because we were on Capitol Hill and it made the most ungodly noise as we gimped along on the hubcap. We couldn�t get the jack out of the trunk for some reason, it would not come out of its compartment thingy, and we don�t have cell phones. For no good reason yesterday I emptied the change jar into my wallet so I had a ton of quarters and Davy ran and called Sean who appeared like so many angels bringing glad tidings and fixed the flat super fast. He said he couldn�t believe he had his cell with him and that it was on when we called. His battery died right after David told him we were at Pike and Minor. This makes me feel like God is taking care of us. I am so frickin grateful that nothing worse happened.

I found a Marc Jacobs coat for sale on eBay by someone whose user name is PoopTard. That person deserves my business just for having that name.

Here is a poignant word for the day:


kak�is�toc�ra�cy n. pl. kak�is�toc�ra�cies

[Greek kakistos, worst, superlative of kakos, bad; see caco- + -cracy.]

Definition: Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens; government by the worst men.

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stepha � 2006