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worldwide pants

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11:07 a.m.

Yesterday we were trying to convince the boy to put on his pants. He did NOT want to and David was trying to reason with him: "Daddy has pants! Mommy has pants! Where are JUDAH'S pants??" and I was like "You're being really loud, the duplex neighbor can hear you" and he said "It's the afternoon, he should be awake by now." And I said "Yeah, but on general principle you don't want to be overheard saying MOMMY HAS PANTS, DADDY HAS PANTS, WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS?" Then we laughed for about ten minutes. If it were any other word than 'pants' it wouldn't have been funny, except maybe if the word were 'weiner' or 'corn'.

More flavor names: Cranberry Corrall. Tangerine Tyranny. Apple Anarchy.

Gigli was AWFUL. Painfully unbearable, yet delightfully so. Only saw the first half actually, up till where she said "It's turkey time, gobble gobble."

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stepha � 2006