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10:27 p.m.

Four words that I hate, no five:

1. meal

2. toppings

3. lovemaking

4. turkey day

My friend has a baby which she micro-manages and it annoys the daylights out of me. The baby has a detailed schedule which is followed with scientific precision, and every sound and substance which the baby emits is announced like three times. It's nice that the baby is loved and looked after but after hearing the first few news bulletins of the baby's urps and smiles and turning of the head to the right I could really give a big steaming crap. The baby gets no tummy time (i.e., playing on the floor) because mom is afraid the baby will absorb some germs. No one is allowed to touch the baby's toys, and baby has any and all accoutrements manufactured and marketed towards overanxious mothers, the majority of which are totally unnecessary. Dreft, humidifiers, baby gates (the little shit can't even crawl yet), no product was left unbought.

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stepha � 2006