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paris hilton is a stupid spoiled whore

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7:29 a.m.

I actually wrote a letter to the LAPD about Paris Hilton. Part of me wonders if I'm overreacting and the other part says they're sending a horrible message about the true state of what money/status can buy in our country. If you wannna write them too there's a form thingy here.

Dear Sherriff Baca,

I'm one of the people who is outraged by Paris Hilton's early release. I work for the state hospital system and no one, NO ONE, is ever released from jail because of a medical condition. The jail has their own doctors and the inmates are also sent to our facility to be treated, but it is unheard of to be placed under house arrest simply for a medical or psychiatric condition.

The message you are sending is that our court system does not operate on a true sense of justice. You're sending the message the celebrities are worth more than other people in our society. It's unconstitutional and I'm completely outraged.

I think I'VE got a medical condition now due to the court's decision. Can I please be placed under house arrest at the Hiltons'? AS IF that is a punishment!!

I'm pissed. Please do the right thing and send a message by having her serve her sentence in your facility.

Stephanie Drury
Wankersville, WA

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stepha � 2006