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1:48 p.m.

Email from Canwell today:


I was at the train station in Oakland consolidating my train tickets. As I stood in line I was eavesdropping on the Lost and Found department. Some chick came up to the window and said that she had left her bong on the train
and she was wondering if anyone had found it. I thought for sure the lady behind the counter would tell her that drug paraphernalia was turned over to the police. Nope. She proceeded back to the shelves and came out with a
box of brightly colored items. It was a box of bongs. The chick proceeded to describe the bong as the lady behind the counter took them all out and arranged them on the counter for viewing. The chick says that hers was a
"two banger" and that it was glass and red in color.

Interesting because:

1. That chick had that big bong on the train.

2. Someone found it, carried it around for a while to safeguard it, and then turned it in to Lost and Found.

3. Lost and Found took it and stored it.

4. There was more than one bong in the Lost and Found!

It was sort of an Old Yeller kind of thing. A girl who was separated from her bong is reunited at last. Only in San Francisco!

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stepha � 2006