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3:18 p.m.

Today I found my old Jerky Boys CDs and listened to them again to see if I still think they are funny, and I do. Does this mean I'm not any more mature than I was ten years ago? It at least means I have the sense of humor of a frat guy.

I keep being sad about the tsunamis in Asia, and then I have to think about something else, and then I feel guilty about distracting myself. But I don't think that's what it's about; we have to be able to distract ourselves or else we wouldn't be able to function. My dear friends who have unfortunately gotten sucked into a cult are all about focusing on the infinite sadness of life and say that there is benefit only in sorrow and suffering. And that's why they're miserable and on their way to self-destruction. Just because we don't cry all the time (which the cult says is a huge part of being humble and righteous) doesn't mean we don't feel appropriate sadness or appropriate gratitude for our own safety and prosperity. Anyway.

I heard that Susan Sontag died. The only thing I know about her is that in Bull Durham Kevin Costner aka Crash Davis said "I think the novels of Susan Sontag are overrated, self-indulgent crap."

We saw The Life Aquatic yesterday and it pissed me off. It's in love with itself, kind of like the Royal Tenenbaums but a bit worse. I love Rushmore and Bottle Rocket is one of my two favoritest movies but Wes Anderson films are turning all smug and elitist and look-how-hilarious-and-hip-we-are-compared-to-the-hoi-polloi. Kind of like McSweeneys. The photography was beautiful and I heart Bill Murray and Wes Anderson soundtracks are always masterpieces, but while at the movie I feel asleep twice, checked my watch 50 times (hard to do when you're trying to point the face at the movie screen and get the light to hit it right), and kept saying "when is this going to be over?" and "I fucking hate this movie." So thumbs down from me.

After the movie I got my hair cut and told her not to make me look like a soccer mom. Then when I got home David said "You look like Jennifer Aniston." AHHHHH

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stepha � 2006