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10:38 p.m.

Thanksgiving with the crazy relatives. Relatives = aging hippies who are now wealthy and live in Northwest Portland. Relatives + Thanksgiving = good. Their house is brand new and costed a lot. It has an elevator and a fun videophone! Something about being in a swank house makes the holidays merrier. When we got there the first thing we were told is "Come on in, everyone�s out on the porch having a toke." Oh you aging hippies you. Of course it was a Thanksgiving with a conscience. Our two year old�s watching of TV was strongly discouraged (though adults were admonished to have weed early and often, makes sense) and we were made to watch Osama which has absolutely no redeeming qualities that I could tell. Only see if it you want to cry a lot. When it got to the end Davy said "Maybe there are some hilarious outtakes!" We watched Spellbound (two thumbs up! fine holiday fun!). Impaired by a fog of bong resin, the intellectuals acted like they knew how each word was spelled. "Oh no! Not two g�s!" "The Welsh root of that word has only one n. Poor kid." We played Balderdash with Uncle Richard. I learned the hard way that he really doesn�t like to be called Uncle Dick. He kept saying that it wasn�t challenging because he knew every word in there. He actually sort of did. Then he spanked Davy in Scrabble, and Davy beats national champions at the Book Fair every year. That�s not a cool fact at all, now is it.

We saw Ann-Krestene on 23rd street. That was pretty frickin random. I thought I saw Rachel Nyssen and I said "Rachel!" really happily right in her face. She glared at me; it was not Rachel. I was too enthusiastic for her.

On the way there and back we listened to the new U2 and the new Gwen Stefani. U2 can really do no wrong in my eyes but I think their songs are starting to sound the same. It was like that on their last album too. They used to have really different sounding songs all on the same album but on this one all the vocal levels and guitar levels are the same. But I don't care. They're U2 and I love them with all my heart. Gwen is so rad. She really likes Harajuku girls, keeps talking about them all the time.

Yesterday I was 33 weeks pregnant and today Davy is 33 years old.

Here is some bitchin cover art.

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stepha � 2006