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if karma is real we're all screwed

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4:27 p.m.

Today I took the rug rat to the pool and the little high skool lifeguards were total punks, telling everyone what to do with total unnecessary attitude. I was mad until I remembered what a snatch I was when I was a lifeguard. When I worked at the Dallas Country Club in Highland Park, I would make Ross Perot's grandkids sit out just because I could. They'd say "What I'd do?" and I'd go "Why don't you sit there and think about it for awhile."

More evidence of the karma police: the rug rat squeezed a tube of diaper rash cream all over the living room carpet. It's hard to get that stuff off of your skin, let alone carpet. I was mad until I remembered being three years old and drawing on walls and furniture with a red magic marker when I was supposed to be taking a nap. David also smeared peanut butter into their wallpaper, so there's double karma coming back to bite us.

Tennis Pro played with Steve Burns from Blue's Clues last night. Apparently he is very nice, and his fan base is largely comprised of morbidly obese women.

And the Tennis Pro album is up at iTunes. Yippy! May I suggest "Motorcycle," "The Mix Tape Song," and "Stephanie."

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stepha � 2006